Uedemer SC – Vereinsmeisterschaft 2016/17
Turniercode: B710-624-UVM
Name, Vorname DWZ alt Punkte Partien We Leistung Rc DWZ neu +/- Aymans, Rainer 1788-74 5.0 7 5.095 1776 1608 1786-75 -2 Baden, Jörg 1740-104 3.0 6 4.836 1439 1433 1691-105 -49 Tack, Alois 1737-118 4.5 7 4.785 1700 1572 1730-119 -7 Domrath, Marion 1680-57 3.5 7 4.278 1592 1593 1659-58 -21 Loosen, Jürgen 1661-39 4.0 6 3.713 1704 1536 1669-40 +8 Pauls, Fynn 1635-28 5.0 7 4.162 1744 1553 1674-29 +39 Kammann, Thomas 1541-45 4.5 7 3.485 1682 1521 1570-46 +29 Gerdes, Achim 1520-34 1.5 6 2.815 1317 1544 1480-35 -40 Spicks, Norbert 1488-46 2.0 5 2.030 1483 1560 1487-47 -1 Poddubskiy, Pavel 1485-19 3.5 7 2.148 1640 1639 1562-20 +77 Obciety, Sandra 1414-22 2.0 5 1.748 1465 1532 1432-23 +18 Trappe, Marvin 1261-3 1.5 6 1.309 1303 1534 1275-4 +14 Kißling, Dennis 1205-26 0.0 2 0.781 0 1313 1174-27 -31 Breitkopf, Manfred 1086-4 2.0 6 0.815 1318 1470 1129-5 +43 v.Steenkiste, Wilfried 0 0.5 4 0.000 0 1432 0-0
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